BroadGNSS is a Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) project which will procure Innovation activity for Applications, Synchronisation and Monitoring of Critical Mobile Broadband Communication Infrastructure and Information Assets
for Public Protection and Disaster Recovery (PPDR) Operations.
for Public Protection and Disaster Recovery (PPDR) Operations.
Latest news
11Oct 22
A BroadGNSS information event to help interest suppliers in the RFT process was held online on 10 October 2022. You may find the recording and presentation on the RFT Briefing…
27Sep 22
BroadGNSS will be presented at the occasion of the EU space week on Octobrer 3rd as part of two topics: EU Space User Consultation Platform - Infrastructure (am)EU Space User…
02Sep 22
Please note the extension of the submission date for your BroadGNSS proposals to the 2nd of November at 12.00. As a consequence, the Q&A session is reopened until the 30st September 2022, accessible at…