BroadGNSS presented during PSCE Conference
On the second day of the PSCE bi-annual conference that took place on 19 and 20th January 2021, Dr David Lund, President of PSCE and Project Coordinator of the BroadWay and BroadGNSS projects, gave a presentation on the recently launched BroadGNSS pre-commerical procurement (PCP) project.
“We will soon launch public procurement procedures to procure solutions that can improve timing, synchronisation and positioning to support new capabilities mobile communication for public preparedness and disaster response (PPDR),” said David Lund, PSCE’s president.
The BroadGNSS PCP, which launched on the 1 December 2020, involves the European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Agency (European GNSS Agency – GSA) as the granting authority and a consortium of 3 public sector bodies (the buyers’ group) responsible for public protection and disaster relief:
- French Ministere de l’Interieur (also lead procurer),
- Estonian Riigi Infokommunikatsiooni Sihtasutus (State Infocommunication Foundation)
- Finnish Erillisverkot (State Security Networks Group)
Among the aims of the BroadGNSS PCP as outlined by Mr Lund, include the procurement of application systems that will enable:
- a European / Galileo based solution,
- time-synchronisation in the future public safety organisation’s mission-critical wireless broadband networks,
- secure and highly accurate time synchronisation of public safety organisation’s used mission-critical “Internet-of-Public-Safety-Things” (IoPST / IoT).
Dr Lund explained that the PCP is a competitive process, governed by EU rules and legislation, designed to compare different approaches on a phased basis –eventually leading to the selection of the vendors that best address this challenge.
In the short-term, the BroadGNSS consortium will carry out a requirements validation to help the buyer’s group define the common challenge, which will entail considering the opinion of public authorities across Europe. An Open Market Consultation (OMC) is also planned, which will be the first dialogue between potential vendors and the buyer’s group.
A link to the presentation “Improving mission critical services with GNSS applications” can be found here (34:06).
A link to the BroadGNSS PCP website can be found here.
If you would like to find out more about the PSCE conference, further information, including the presentations from 25 speakers over the two-day conference can be found here.
Stay tuned for for the upcoming publication of the Prior Information Notice.