BroadGNSS Request for Tenders
Due to the lack of bids received on the 2nd of May 2022, the group of procurers has decided to improve the competition by attracting more operators to the PCP and modifying the evaluation scheme as well as extending the deadline for submitting a proposal, providing another three months period for preparing a proposal.
Therefore, on 27 May 2022 the BroadGNSS team launched a new Request for Tenders to develop and test innovative solutions for the following challenge: seamless outdoor-indoor location, differentiation of persons involved, audio and video from drones, map on the fly, information related to gunshots, synchronisation of all recorded data and monitoring of quality and availability of the communication link. The official Contract notice can be found on this link.
- A Briefing and Partnering Event was held 16 June 2022 , in Paris (France) from 11.00 to 16.00– Information
- A Briefing meeting was organised also on 5 July 2022
When the Request for Tenders is closed on 2 November 2022, the Pre-Commercial (attention au lien) Procurement (PCP) process will be executed in three phases, Solution Design, Solution Prototype and Pilot. Pre-commercial procurement challenges industry to develop innovative solutions for public sector needs and it provides a first customer reference that enables companies to create a competitive advantage on the market.
The first phase of the pre-commercial procurement process is a feasibility study of the selected technologies and proposals. Then, a selection of the most promising concepts will be developed into well-defined prototypes and lab-tested in phase two. The third phase aims to verify and compare the first end-products in real-life situations.
R&D does not include quantity production or supply to establish the commercial viability or to recover R&D costs. It also excludes commercial development activities such as incremental adaptations, routine or periodic changes to existing products, services, production lines, processes or other operations in progress, even if such changes may constitute improvements.
website. For transparency reasons all questions will be answered for the benefit of all potential suppliers. Please see our Questions and Answers page.
All communication and questions concerning the tender submission, its format and/or content should be addressed via the contact page on this website. For transparency reasons all questions will be answered for the benefit of all potential suppliers. Please see our Questions and Answers page.