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Tendering Guidance & Partnering Session - 5 July 2022 (Brussels, Belgium)

The goal of this event is to allow potential suppliers the opportunity to meet each other and form their tendering teams.

Participants will be assigned a discussion table with the goal to openly discuss the BroadGNSS Objectives and briefly present your organisation capabilities and expertise that are available to address those objectives. After each discussion, tables will rotate, and you will meet other people.

PSCE will coordinate the event.

Those that cannot attend can send 3 slides which will be promoted on the BroadGNSS website.

Attendees should already be aware of the BroadGNSS RFT and its Objectives. This will not be briefed again during this event.


1000 Introduction, David Lund

1015-1045 How to prepare and submit a tender (PSCE)


  • Discussion 1 (20mins)
  • Discussion 2 (20mins)
  • Discussion 3 (20mins)

1145 -1300 Lunch


  • Discussion 3 (20mins)
  • Discussion 4 (20mins)
  • Discussion 5 (20mins)

1400-1415 Close

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