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The Common Challenge

The objectives of the common challenge currently considered by the BroadGNSS group of procurers include:

  • Time-synchronisation in the future public safety organisation’s mission-critical wireless broadband networks.
  • Secure and highly accurate location and navigation information for public safety organisation’s mission critical wireless communications equipment.
  • Secure and highly accurate time synchronisation of public safety organisation’s used mission-critical “Internet-of-Public-Safety-Things” (IoPST / IoT).
  • Secure and highly accurate location information, navigation information for public safety organisation’s drone fleet management.
  • Improvement of the quality of time-synchronisation in public safety organisation’s communications networks.
  • Improvement of the (independence) autonomy from non-European technologic solutions.


BroadGNSS Narrative Description – Functional Requirements

At least 2 drones are launched to follow fugitive outdoor and indoor.

The Control room user and PPDR users on the field will be provided with: information related to the accurate outdoor and indoor location of the drones, type of PPDRs, by-passers and fugitive on the field (Transition shall be seamless between outdoor and indoor location and vice versa); information related to differentiation of persons involved: type of PPDRs, fugitive and by-passers; images from drones: optical and thermal cameras; map on the fly (SLAM); information related to gun shots: who shot, accurate location and time stamp. All necessary data mentioned gathered during the operation have to be recorded and stored (time syncronisation of different data sets has to be taken into account) so they can be used in court.

Solutions shall be able to ensure green traffic lights for PPDRs who are in pursuit.

Drones shall provide stable and encrypted communication hub for transferring live video, images.

BroadGNSS Group of Procurers reserve the right to change or amend certain parts of the narrative description for RFT.


  • Location of persons and hardware involved
  • Follow fugitive autonomously
  • Distinguish from fugitive, type of PPDRs, or by-passers
  • Generate the map on the fly (SLAM)
  • Detect gun shots and store them with information who shot, accurate location and time stamp.
  • Indoor and outdoor- seamless transition
  • Map on the fly
  • Stable and encrypted communication link between Control room and drones as well as PPDRs
  • Reliability and continuity of service
  • Distinguish persons involved: type of PPDRs, fugitive, by-passers
  • Locationing indoor and outdoor
  • Information regarding gun shots: who shot, accurate location, time stamp
  • Recording information in correlation with other data
  • Achieving green traffic light for PPDRs
  • Authenticated access from trusted source
  • Mission critical solution
  • Independency from non-European Services
  • Confidentiality, integrity, availability of information
  • NIS Directive (EU 2016/1148) & Cyber Security Act
  • Robustness and resilience:
    •   Multipath propagation
    •   Unintentional and intentional   interference
    •   Harsh environment
  • Physical characteristics: IP classification (temperature, humidity, dust, shock), robustness…)
  • User friendliness
  • Operating time of the drone
  • COTS (Commercial of the shelf) drones
  • Drone fleet control solution should work beyond visual line of sight.
  • Drone has to be incorporated in civilian air space and meet the latest national/EU regulation 2019/945.
  • Innovation from supplier’s side
  • Standards must be followed
  • Statement of compliance
  • Proprietary formats have to be provided
  • Standardisation contribution obligation for non-standardised innovation
  • Availability
  • Accuracy
  • Security and safety
  • Robustness
  • Application
  • Innovation eco-system
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